Karte Rangliste


Besiegte Gegner: 10 (1085.)
Stamm: Trudrö

Dörfer (1) Koordinaten Punkte
Macedonian Empire
492|527 2.509
Persönlicher Text
The Gentleman rules

1: the clothes: Clothes make people - A true gentleman should know, where and when he wears what.

2: Don’t forget your manners - The handbook of manners is naturally very important for gentlemen.

3: The right language - A real gentleman knows how to talk to his fellows.

4: A gentleman doesn’t show off - A gentleman knows how to perform, but he doesn’t necessarily have to show, or boast about, what he has.

5: A real gentleman respects women - One of the most important gentleman rules: He knows how to deal with a woman correctly.

6: A gentleman sticks with his wife - a real gentleman know how to be loyal.

7: He can listen - A true gentleman is interested in learning about someone and learning something about other people.

8: He knows how to handle money - A gentleman knows for what he spends money and for what not.

9: A gentleman is honest - Honesty towards others and oneself is an important basis.

10: Always be on time - a gentleman have a perfect Sense of Time and appointments

Soziale Erfolge

Hat seine Ausbildung unter PrX ReeperZ absolviert.

Architekt (Bronze - Stufe 2)

Baue insgesamt 150 Gebäudestufen!

Herr der Aufgaben (Holz - Stufe 1)

Schließe 40 Aufgaben ab!

Kaufmann (Holz - Stufe 1)

Handle 10-mal auf dem Marktplatz.

Punktekönig (Holz - Stufe 1)

Steige in der Rangliste auf und erreiche 100 Punkte.

Andere Erfolge
Dienstzeit (Gold - Stufe 9)

Spiele "Die Stämme" für 9 Jahre.

Erfolge in anderen Welten
Welt 190

Welt 192

Welt 200

Welt 186

Welt 188

Welt 205

Welt 206

Welt 228


Special 2

Casual 14

Casual 15

Casual 16

Welt 187

Welt 202